At Halal Bites, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding the halal status of restaurants listed on our platform. However, it is important to note that while we confirm the halal status of these establishments through various means such as their official websites, verbal confirmation by the manager, or the presence of halal signage at the store, circumstances can change.

Restaurants may undergo changes in management, menu offerings, or sourcing practices, which could affect their halal certification or status. Therefore, we strongly advise our users to exercise caution and independently verify the halal status of any restaurant they plan to visit, especially if there are any concerns or doubts.

While we make every effort to maintain the accuracy of our listings, Halal Bites cannot guarantee the continuous halal status of all restaurants listed on our platform. We encourage our users to remain vigilant and prioritize their individual halal dietary requirements when dining out.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.